"Five-Star Workshop Devlog" has been launched!
Future development updates on Inazuma Eleven will be shared on this Five-Star Workshop Devlog instead of the previous Development Blog.
2024/5/22Beta Test Demo Version 1.1.0 Commemorative Talk: Night Two
Have you already played the Story Mode? I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. Actually, the version shown in the demo is a bit shorter than in the final release. This wasn't done to hold back content, but due to various circumstances... The final version will be even richer in
content, so I hope you're looking forward to it!
2024/5/20Beta Test Demo Version 1.1.0 Commemorative Talk: Night One
First of all, we have achieved 1 million downloads of the demo, and players are spending even more time playing it than we expected. Thank you very much for your anticipation and support for Inazuma Eleven!